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the easy-listening, always value-packed, relatable, engaging podcast for women business owners

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"Seriously the BEST business podcast of all time."

"It's binge worthy and deserves a spot on your weekly rotation!"

"The most easy listening business podcast I’ve found! This is a bingeable podcast for sure."

"One of the best and most relatable podcasts for business women"

"Truly feel like she is my own business mentor, BFF, and just love learning everything from her." 

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We're covering the important topics you want to hear like...

Marketing    Faith   Social Media   motherhood   design   branding    MARRIAGE    HIRING 
FAMILY    INVESTING   productivity   money  podcasting   business  websites

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I’m Elizabeth – website designer, business educator, podcast host, boy mom, and Jesus-follower.

Helping business owners show off their value and stand out online is my superpower. How do I help you do this? With gorgeous, strategic website templates, the most comprehensive (according to our students) business course for designers, an informative and relatable podcast, and a truly unbelievable collection of business resources. I feel so grateful for this dream job I created from the ground up, and I can’t wait to help you do the same! 

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